Ray Hobbs

Rainmaker Applied Intelligence
Ray Hobbs The Novelist Rainmaker

Ray Hobbs The Novelist. Rainmaker.

Journal Notes.

Ray Hobbs. Today I am working as fast as possible completing My Autobiography. This life of mine, My Blessed Life, deserves to be shared with at least a few who were intimately involved to some degree.

You do not have access to My Autobiography which is available here to those in My Network. You are not in My Network. Ray Hobbs Offline & Uncensored

Last Updated February 15th Twenty Twenty-Five

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Ray Hobbs

The Novelist

Journal Notes

Rainmaker Applied Intelligence

February 15th Twenty Twenty-Five
Ray Hobbs Gardening Tips

The Perfect Setting

On any day when it seems like everything is headed in the wrong direction, a quick walk Up the Canyon or down the Creek is a quick reminder how wonderful life truly is. Within minutes the fresh air, flowers and scenery clears out the mind of negativity and refreshes it with gratitude. The beauty of Nature.


In The Sanctuary Garden

From a bugs perspective these gigantic pillers of all colors are not flowers, they are towers of unlimited feasting. Whole Foods for Insects, worms, beetles and snakes that wait for Humans to pass before coming out from below. Humans and their life ending boots of steel and cleats can wipe out a village in one step.

Nature's HIdden Places

Not but one step off the sidewalk or trail you will find the environment as it was intended to be as it once was and what a difference you will immediately see. It helps if you can get down to ground level and look up instead of looking down and seeing the world from your advantage point.